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First 10 steps on deciding about marriage

Take a moment to consider the 10 steps on deciding to get married. It is important to make sure you are making the right decision for the rest of your life.

Top Five Low-cost Digital Cameras Review

Low-Cost Digital Cameras for Everyday Personal Use Personal digital cameras are very popular these days. Most certainly, every family, if not even every member of...

10 Rules For Creating a Great First Impression

Have you ever been to business meeting and worrying whether and how people are going to notice and remember you? In business, the first...

Setting a wedding date

You need to plan effectively for your dream wedding day, making sure everything is perfect, especially the date and time of what should be the happiest day of your lives.

Breaking down the barriers of stereotyping

People of all backgrounds and cultures are susceptible to stereotyping individuals from other groups.

Six Senses Powers Down for Climate Change

The Middle East portfolio of Six Senses Resorts & Spas will participate in Earth Hour 2010, a global environmental awareness event organised ...

5 Ways to Earn Extra Money In Your Free Time

Whether you are struggling to pay the bills or looking to save for a summer holiday, a little extra cash is always welcomed. But...

10 ways to make more money in 2014

With the beginning of 2014 come the New Year’s resolutions – to quit smoking, to work out more, to save money, and to earn...

Freelancing pays better than traditional jobs and more will embrace it

Freelancing is becoming increasingly popular. In the workplace of the future, employers will find themselves hard pressed to lure the smartest, most energetic workers....

Gift Cards are the most preferred Christmas Gift in 2012

Did you know that more and more people prefer to receive gift cards loaded with cash for Christmas instead of traditional presents? Amazon.com seems...

Happiest Countries in 2015 Revealed

Since it was first published in 2012, the World Happiness Report demonstrated that well-being and happiness are critical indicators of a nation’s economic and...

How to Succeed as a Freelancer

It is easy to start, but to succeed as a freelancer takes time and strategy. If the corporate 9-to-5 just doesn’t work for you or...

Questions you need to ask yourself before you buy iPhone 5

iPhone 5 – A Necessity, a Status Symbol or a Pure Luxury? With Apple’s approaching big event, iPhone 5 rumours and online hysteria are going...

How to setup technology-enabled workspace for kids at home

During the holidays, kids usually use technology for fun and games. However, as the summer comes to an end, it is time for them...

Buy Happiness on a Budget

Money can't buy happiness! This is a popular saying and we are not even imagining to argue against it. However, the connection between happiness...

Technology, IQ, Information…Do you feel smarter?

Some people believe that the more they use smartphones and other tech gadgets, the more technology dependent they become. But are the Internet and...

13 Freaky Facts about Friday 13th

Are you concerned that this Friday we will experience a Friday The 13? Then, you are one of the several million people around the...

Top 5 Happiness Poisons and How to Avoid Them

According to science, there are a few common habits that can make us feel happy. Those include being kind, physically active, having a goal,...