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Using Emojis in Work Emails Makes You Look Incompetent

When meeting someone in person, body language experts say that smiling can portray confidence and warmth. Online, however, smiley faces could be doing some...

How to Succeed as a Freelancer

It is easy to start, but to succeed as a freelancer takes time and strategy. If the corporate 9-to-5 just doesn’t work for you or...

6 Surprising Facts about Happiness and Music

Happiness and music are more connected that you think! In fact, “happy music” is a widely accepted term in the scientific field. Researchers define...

How to work from home and look good doing it

In the last decade, the mobile workforce has increased by more than 100 percent—not that surprising when we consider the abundant improvement in technology...

How to Be Happy in Recession

People are happier in stable economic environments than in down periods. And as a result of experiencing the newly unfolding recession, many of us...

5 Truths About Marriage Nobody Will Tell You

Marriage is getting more and more controversial as currently, the number of divorces worldwide nearly reaches the number of marriages. Why it doesn't work...

Freelancing pays better than traditional jobs and more will embrace it

Freelancing is becoming increasingly popular. In the workplace of the future, employers will find themselves hard pressed to lure the smartest, most energetic workers....

It Takes 30 Second to Boost Your Happiness

Some people chase happiness their entire life. However, even 30 seconds are enough to make you feel better and happier. For example, did you...

10 Bad Habits Working Against your Happiness

Bad habits keep you unhappy, keep you stuck, make you do things you don't want to do. Start today, right now, to eliminate them...

Scientific Ways to Look More Attractive 

How to look more attractive? It is not as difficult as it may seem. Science tells us there are ways to spice up your...

The Three Colours of Happiness

Colours influence our lives on more levels than you can image. They can play with our emotions by stimulating feelings like sadness, hunger, passion...

The Happiest People in the World in 2016?

March 20 is International Happiness Day, which means everyone will be talking about who the happiest people in the world are. Most will say...

Eid in Dubai! Plan B

Eid in Dubai! The public holiday for government employees starts today and many people will enjoy a few days off work to relax and...

Ramadan Dos and Don’ts for Expats

Ramadan is the most widely celebrated time of the year in the Arab world. With over 85% of Dubai’s population being expatriates and more...

7 Key Rules for Happy and Healthy Living

Have you noticed that most books, articles and guides dedicated to happy and healthy living are usually offering a long list of tips, explanations,...

How to celebrate your first wedding anniversary

Fortunately, there are many ways to make your wedding anniversary a day to remember for all the right reasons, so take the stress out of your special day with our guide to planning the perfect anniversary.

Global Emotions Report Reveals Most Miserable and Happiest Countries

Led by Bolivia and El Salvador, Latin American countries dominate the top of the list of the most emotional countries in the world. On...

13 Freaky Facts about Friday 13th

Are you concerned that this Friday we will experience a Friday The 13? Then, you are one of the several million people around the...