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Women Who Exercise Regularly Less Likely to Develop Dementia

You may spend a lot of time working out, but there's a fitness reward you might not expect: better memory in your senior years. New...

Why Your Attitude Is More Important Than Your Intelligence

When it comes to success, it’s easy to think that people blessed with brains are inevitably going to leave the rest of us in...

People Became Less Intelligent, or IQ Tests Are at Fault

A defining trend in human intelligence tests that saw people steadily obtaining higher IQ scores through the 20th century has abruptly ended, a new...

How to Protect against Skin Cancer

It’s already May and here in Dubai, front-of-the-pharmacy aisles are filled with myriad brands and types of sunscreen. While sunscreen is essential to lowering...

Removing Digital Devices from Bedrooms Improves Sleep

Removing electronic media from the bedroom and encouraging a calming bedtime routine are among recommendations Penn State researchers outline in a recent manuscript on...

First Successful Uterus Transplantation in MENA Region under Clinical Research

A breakthrough uterus transplantation procedure that will change her life, as well as the lives of many women with uterine factor infertility, was done...

Eating at ‘Wrong Time’ Spoils Dieting

A new high-precision feeding system for lab mice reinforces the idea that the time of day food is eaten is more critical to weight...

Want an Exercise Routine? Ask Yourself These Questions

We’re far more likely to stick with an exercise routine that suits our nature and our schedule.

Free Breast and Skin Cancer Screening in October

Cocoona Centre for Aesthetic Transformation, which specializes in plastic, cosmetic, dental, orthopedic, weight loss, hair transplant, dermatology and dietary services, is offering free Breast...

How to Incorporate Online Therapy into Your Weekly Routine

One of the strengths of online therapy is the fact that it’s flexible with your life. With regular therapy, you have to go to...

How Men Age – Fewer Hassles Until The Fourth Age

How men age and how happy individuals are remains relatively stable for some 80 percent of the population. Perceptions of unhappiness, or dealing with...

MERS Economic Impact

The rapid spread of the potential fatal Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) has become more concerning. For now, the apparent limit on the virus...

Health Benefits of Ramadan Fast

The ninth month of the Islamic calendar is upon us, and Muslims across the UAE will start the traditional Ramadan fast, which prohibits eating...

Passive Smoking in Childhood Linked to Rheumatoid Arthritis

The results of a study presented at the Annual European Congress of Rheumatology (EULAR) 2017 press conference confirmed the link between active smoking and...

8 Facts about Smiling That Will Make You Smile

What makes you smile? A comedy movie, a cheerful song or being surrounded by your friends? There are many things that can bring a...

10 Things Your Personal Trainer Won’t Tell You

With the ongoing fight against obesity and the widespread obsession over health and fitness on the Internet, many people choose pay a personal trainer...

Valuing Your Time More Than Money is Linked to Happiness

Valuing your time more than the pursuit of money is linked to greater happiness, according to new research published by the Society for Personality...

Digital Devices during Family Time Trigger Bad Behavior in Children

Parents who spend a lot of time on their phones or watching television during family activities such as meals, playtime, and bedtime could influence...