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Using Money to Buy Time Boosts Life Satisfaction

Using money to buy free time, such as paying to delegate household chores like cleaning and cooking, is linked to greater life satisfaction. New research...

UAE Bans Handwritten Prescriptions

A circular from the UAE’s Ministry of Health and Prevention calls for all handwritten prescriptions to be banned. Medical professionals have six months to...

How Much Coffee Is Too Much?

There are many publications in recent years trying to convince us that coffee isn’t as bad as doctors warn with claims that caffeine is...

New therapeutic treatment helps people lose more weight and keep it...

A new approach to weight loss called Acceptance-Based Behavioral Treatment (ABT) helped people lose more weight and keep it off longer than those who...

Falling in Love Only Takes about a Fifth of a Second

A meta-analysis study conducted by Syracuse University Professor Stephanie Ortigue reveals falling in love can elicit not only the same euphoric feeling as using...

How Men Can Deal With Anxiety

More and more, do you find yourself fighting feelings of worry? Do you feel increasingly anxious and tense? Do you obsess about things that...

Five Habits for Easy Weight Loss

The hardest part about achieving effective but easy weight loss isn't about knowing what to eat. You have heard it a thousand times: eat...

7 Key Rules for Happy and Healthy Living

Have you noticed that most books, articles and guides dedicated to happy and healthy living are usually offering a long list of tips, explanations,...

Countries on Alert over Ebola Outbreak

The current Ebola epidemic, which started in March in Guinea and is now sweeping across West Africa, is the largest and the deadliest in...

Divorce, Death and Men’s Brain Aging

Conflict, a death in the family, financial hardship and serious medical crises are all associated with accelerated physical aging. In a new study, researchers...

Air Pollution Linked to Mental Health

There is little debate over the link between air pollution and the human respiratory system: Research shows that dirty air can impair breathing and...

Unemployment Healthier Than a Stressful Job?

A new paper published in the International Journal of Epidemiology finds that people employed in low paying or highly stressful jobs may not actually...

Longevity Secrets for Super Aging

Will you dance at your great-grandchild’s wedding? Some people are not only dancing, but cooking, driving, and volunteering at an age when they’re supposed to...

Low-cost weight loss program has long-term results

A non-profit, low-cost weight loss program offers the kind of long-term results that often elude dieters, concludes a study revealed by the University of...

World Chocolate Day: Cocoa Sharpens Your Senses

What happens to your brain up to a few hours after you eat cocoa flavanols, and what happens when you sustain such a cocoa...

Cosmetic Surgery is booming in UAE, data says

Enquiries to cosmetic surgery clinics more than double (106%) in the past year Medical tourism to the UAE has increased by 135% in the past...

How Men Can Deal with Cancer Diagnosis

Often the emotional preparation to deal with cancer diagnosis is the toughest test. Any kind of cancer diagnosis is life-changing. There suddenly are many decisions...

The Weekend Effect: Happier Regardless Who You Are

From construction laborers and secretaries to physicians and lawyers, people experience better moods, greater vitality, and fewer aches and pains from the end of...