Emirates Tops YouGov’s 2021 Best Brand Rankings in UAE


YouGov’s latest rankings reveal the top ten brands in terms of overall brand health according to UAE residents

Emirates tops YouGov’s 2021 Best Brand Rankings in the UAE for the fifth year in succession (58.1). Despite the flight restrictions in place for an extended period, the airline maintains its strong perceptions among UAE residents allowing it to maintain 1st rank in the UAE despite recording a decline of -1.8 in its year-on-year brand health score.

The rankings are based on the Index score from YouGov BrandIndex, which is a measure of overall brand health that indicates how well a brand is delivering against its brand promise on key attributes and is calculated by taking the average of the Impression, Quality, Value, Satisfaction, Recommend and Reputation scores collected in BrandIndex.

Emirates tops YouGov’s 2021 Best Brand Rankings in the UAE for the fifth year in succession (58.1).

Both Adidas and Nike make a new entry into the top ten list in second (50.6) and sixth (46.3) respectively.

Samsung moves up two places to third (47.7) despite its own brand health declining by -0.8 points from the same time last year. On the other hand, dairy giant Almarai moved up four places to fourth (47.3), strengthening its brand perception over the past year.

Apple remains in seventh (45.8) this year despite its score recording a decline since last year. Its smartphone brand iPhone however has moved up one place to eighth (44.9) despite its score remaining stable year-on-year.

Global technology platform brands including YouTube, Google and WhatsApp have witnessed declines to their scores, and they have all moved down the top 10 list. YouTube moved down two places to fifth (47.2), Google down three places to ninth (43.5), and WhatsApp moved down eight places to tenth (43.1) in this year’s rankings.

The rankings also show the brands which have improved the most over the past 12 months. Noon.com is the most improved brand of the year, with a change in score of +6.2.

Emirates tops YouGov’s 2021 Best Brand Rankings in the UAE for the fifth year in succession (58.1).

KFC is the second-best mover with a change in score of +4.7, closely followed by Expo 2020 Dubai (change in score of +4.6).

Another e-commerce giant to feature in the improvers list is Amazon.ae (+2.9), along with Amazon’s video-on-demand streaming service Amazon Prime (+2.8).

Loyalty programmes Share (+3.0) and U by Emaar (+2.4) both featured in the top 10 at 4th and 10th respectively.  Red Bull (+2.9), Commercial bank of Dubai (+2.6), Johnson’s (+2.4) are other brands to appear in UAE’s 2021 top ten Improvers list


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