Thoughtfully written law of attraction books aim at helping us understand how the ideology works and how it can serve us better. It works!
These five popular books here will take your mind to the next level and help you create the success you desire. You may also absorb the secrets to success easier if you listen to these reads. Right now a 30-day trial is free of charge and you can cancel it without obligations, while if you opt for 3 months membership at Audible.com, you can get up to 66% discount.
If you’re just starting, an excellent place to begin your study of the law of attraction is here:
The Secret is still one of the most popular books ever about the law of attraction. The Secret has already sold millions of copies worldwide and continues to be a phenomenal success. In fact, The Secret was on Amazon’s Top 100 Bestsellers for over 1235 days. The Secret reveals the number one lesson in the power of positive thinking, namely: You attract what you think. The Secret teaches eye-opening principles about how people create their own life experiences. It explains how thoughts and feelings–both positive and negative–are always at work in your life.
Ask and It Is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires (Esther Hicks, Jerry Hicks and Wayne Dyer)
This book helps you see some of the most life-changing concepts. It reads more like a “how to” book with immediately useable instructions that can profoundly affect your thinking and your feelings. Its in-depth and easy style helps you dig in and really learn how to apply the principles in your life. This popular book is especially for anyone who is struggling with negative or “glass half-empty” kind of thinking. The exercises given can dramatically improve your thinking and emotional state.
The Secret of the Ages (Robert Collier)
The Secret of the Ages contains real and lasting truths. This timeless masterpiece helps people understand the power of positive thinking. The book will give you insights into how to attract what you want in your life. It has inspiring examples of how others have overcome challenges and improved their lives. This popular classic gives practical advice for anyone else who wants to improve their life
Feeling is the Secret (Neville Goddard)
Neville’s philosophy is that “Imagination creates events of our life and is the sole cause of those events.” His teachings about how to use your imagination and guiding your feelings are life-altering! Neville’s the small but powerful book Feeling is the Secret can have a profound impact on how you think and feel and how that affects what you want in life. Feeling is the Secret is also part of The Neville Reader collection, which is probably the most complete and helpful collection of books for explaining the philosophy behind the law of attraction.
Think and Grow Rich (Napoleon Hill)
Since this article is about five most popular law of attraction books, we couldn’t pass up this all-time classic. Think and Grow Rich is a truly one of the most popular books ever written! This book will take you into the powerful strategies behind the Law of Attraction and how to change your life.
Anyone who has achieved any level of success can attribute some portion of it to the principles taught in the popular books by Napoleon Hill.
These law of attraction books will help you reach levels of success that you could have never reached before. You will learn powerful life-changing principles in every one of these excellent books.
Remember, the way you think is the foundation to successfully attracting everything you want in life.