The Institute for Executive Development responds to demand for Executive Coaching


Internationally accredited coaching course launched to meet regional requirements

The Institute for Executive Development (IED) – a member of Abu Dhabi University Knowledge Group (ADUKG) dedicated to management and executive development programmes – is set to cater to the growing demand from managers, consultants and coaching practitioners seeking internationally accredited executive coaching programmes that specifically address the current issues facing leaders and organisations in the region.

The Coaching for Organisation Consultants programme – run in collaboration with the UK’s leading provider of custom education, Ashridge Business School – enable coaching practitioners wishing to undertake further professional development to nurture relevant and effective coaching skills, harness change and help foster superior business leaders.

Commenting on the launch of the programme Rory Hendrikz, Director of IED said: “Most organisations today are experiencing dramatic change as a result of the recent economic climate and an executive coach can play a highly effective role in supporting leaders through this often complex and challenging process. As a result, we have witnessed a surge in demand for internationally accreditied courses of this nature as more people seek to enhance their skill set, improve their effectiveness as an executive coach in the current environment and bring about sustainable change.

IED was concevied to support the current and emerging development needs of managers and leaders in the region. Executive Coaching forms one of the Institute’s five Centre’s of Excellence which were formed to help enterprise leaders establish effective, innovative and sustainable business practises.

“Our Coaching for Organisation Consultants programme has been carefully tailored to this region and is suitable for those seeking a challenging but rewarding learning experience. It combines a psychological and organisational perspective on executive coaching and will enable participants to increase their impact and influence on the organisation,” added Hendrikz.

The first programme is scheduled to begin on October 26th 2009 at Abu Dhabi University, which consists of three interactive, three day workshops and an optional one-day practicum leading to recognition as an Ashridge Consulting accredited coach.

“We are confident that the combination of our regional knowledge and Ashridge’s international status as a world class business school will ensure the latest content, thinking and teaching methods remain at the forefront of our executive coaching programme. Both organisations have degree awarding powers, and the aim of the programme will be to provide a route to formal qualifications from a certificate to masters level.”

IED offers a range of short executive programmes, accredited management certificates and diplomas as well as organisational and executive coaching. Current IED partners include renowned business schools, international award accreditation bodies and niche innoavtive providers.

About Institute for Executive Development (IED)
The Institute for Executive Development (IED) is a member of Abu Dhabi University Knowledge Group specialising in educational programmes for mid to senior level managers based in the GCC. IED is a pioneer in providing world class Executive Education with innovative approaches for executive leadership and enterprise development in the region. IED’s programmes and approaches are built on five Centres of Excellence namely Leadership and Executive Coaching; Strategic Management; Sustainability; Innovation and Entrepreneurship; and Organisation Development and Change.

IED, along with its partners, aims to contribute to realisation of the UAE’s social and economic vision. IED’s partners include world renowned Business Schools, International Award Accreditation Bodies, and highly innovative niche education providers including Ashridge (UK), Babson (USA), PennState (USA), HEC (France) and Chartered Management Institute (UK).


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