Parents Relieved – The School Year’s Suffering Has Ended…Temporarily


The education process in Dubai is not designed with the purpose to benefit the growing generations, but with the goal to secure high profits for all participants in the industry.

It is indeed very hard on parents to provide for the higher than in the UK fees of Dubai’s private schools. A comparison is not even possible to draw to the free of charge and much more solid education in the European countries. In addition, the supplementary expenses during a typical academic year can amount to approximately 25% on top of the tuition fees. The annual buss fee can range from AED 6,000 to AED 10,000, while a school lunch at Repton may cost AED 50 per day. Parents in whose employment contracts schooling is not mentioned, truly suffer to meet the ever rising demands of the investors in education. Many have no choice, but to take loans and move their children from one school to another several times depending on their changing financial situations.

During the course of education stretched from 13 to 15 years in the most private British schools in Dubai, a parent should expect to spend somewhere between AED 600,000 and AED 800,000 for a single child only. With such a substantial amount of money one can purchase a large house in most of the European countries, or to open a medium sized private company.

Therefore, Dubai’s parents are truly relieved today as it is the last day of the academic year for the secondary schools. During the summer months, mums and dads will enjoy the freedom not to receive and respond to the never ending demands of Dubai’s private schools for more and more.


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