5 Social Media Crimes We All Commit


affiliate-marketingIn 2014, the number of active internet users almost reached 2.95 billion. A little over 2 billion of them are also active on social media websites. When we take into consideration that the global population today totals at about 7.18 billion, it means that every fourth person on this planet is spending a lot of time on at least one social media platform on a monthly basis. The fact that social media has been in our lives for a few years now, would probably make you think that most people have mastered the art of online communication and sharing. Well, that is not really the case. Most web users continue to commit five social media crimes time and time again.

Forget to check spelling – Social media is all about real-time sharing. With the rising popularity of smartphones, that has become even more true lately. People see or experience something that has affected them in a certain way and they are able to send it out to the world instantly through their mobile gadgets. That, however, has led to an increase in spelling and grammar mistakes on timelines all over the world. Luckily, most social platforms now allow their users to edit a post.

Paying too much attention to other people’s post – Your friends’ social media activity is also influencing yours. For instance, if you see that someone on your friends list is sharing countless of snaps from parties, vacations and celebrations, you are likely to react in two different ways. First – you will try to top them off by posting “brag” photos of yourself (even if they have been taken five years ago). Two – you will get depressed and assume that everyone is living the life, while you are just an observer with nothing interesting to share. None of these two scenarios is good. Therefore, it is best to avoid overanalyzing other people’s social media activity.

Expecting too much – You share something which you think is witty, cute or ridiculously funny, but you get no likes or comments. You have expected that this post of yours will blow up your social media circle, yet you get no reaction. This is one of the most unhealthy social media crimes you can commit. So, move on! Do not get too obsessed with likes and shares.

Emotion-triggered posts – Losing your temper is part of life. However, turning to social media when we are in the grip of emotion is always a bad idea. You may easily cross the line and hurt other people’s feelings, for example, or post something highly inappropriate.

Sharing too much, yet nothing – Take the time to browse through your social media posts. What are the things that you have shared? Photos of food, a song that has been stuck into your head for way too long, series of selfies… The majority of social media users share a lot, but none of what the content they upload online says something important or inspiring. Some people’s online personality can be completely different who they are in real life. Is that social media’s true purpose?


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