Mobile Phone 40th Anniversary Special – Types of Mobile Phone Users


It may be hard to believe it, but today we mark the 40th anniversary of the mobile phone. The very first hand-held phone appeared on April 3rd, 1973. It was created by an employee of Motorola called Martin Cooper. However, the device had little in common with today’s innovative and sophisticated smartphones. The first mobile phone was 9 inches tall and it took about 10 hours of recharging to bring its battery back to life… for barely 35 minutes.

Clearly the mobile phone industry has greatly changed for those 40 years. Today, these portable devices are not seen as a luxury and they have become an integral part of our lives. That has led to one interesting phenomenon – the birth and the development of the different mobile phone users. They come in various shapes and sizes, but they all have something in common – their hand-held phone.

The Over-engaged

You never get to see their eyes since these people are constantly looking and fiddling with their phone. You can try different techniques to grab their attention, like shouting, waving and pushing, but the effect will be only temporary or none at all. Usually those are people who have just bought a new flashy mobile phone, teenagers or business users.

The Loud Speaker

They appear on various public places. However, they always manage to stand out from everyone else with their loud on-the-phone voice. They do not care if people can hear their details about their intimate life, for example. Quite the opposite, loud speakers are quite happy to share everything with the world. Surprisingly, they do not appear really noisy once they hang up the phone.

The Trend Follower

These mobile phone users come in two subtypes. The first of them know little about the device’s functionality, quality or features. As a matter of fact, they only use their phone for basic activities like calling and texting. Despite that, they want the latest and the greatest. They would buy an expensive device just because they have seen it in a TV show or a music video. The second subtype of the trend follower users again wants the latest and the greatest smartphone. However, that is not out of whim. Unlike the first subtype, these people know more than you can image about a phone’s software, hardware, applications and so on and so forth. Simply put, they are technology maniacs and have an inexhaustible ambition to test the newest mobile phones on the marker.

The Dinosaur

This type is the exact opposite of trend followers. They are satisfied with whatever they have even if that means a bulky brick. The main reason why they do not upgrade is not the lack of money, but the fact that it took them ages to get the hang of their current device.

The Texter

Most texters are in their teens. Often they can be confused with the overeganged type since they are almost always staring at their phones. What gives them away are the giggles that can be heard from time to time.

The Bluetooth Addict

Unfortunately, Bluetooth addicts are often misunderstood. That is because they tend to be confused with crazy people since they appear to be talking to themselves. This type commonly includes careerists, drivers and commuters.

The Disturber

Their phone rings at the most inappropriate time and place possible – in the theatre, at a funeral or at a meeting. These users do not have the habit to put their phone on silent or to turn it off. As a result, they frequently get annoyed looks from the people around them.

The Photographer

The mobile phone’s main purpose is not picture taking, but photographers seem unaware of that. They will make snaps wherever they go and then spread them all over the web.

The Holser Lover

In most of the cases the holster lover type is limited to middle-aged male users. You will recognize them by the fact that they wear their mobile phone on a holster. If you take a closer look at them, you may see they also wear most of their belongings on a holster. They carry tape measures, pocket knives, cigarette boxes and all you can think of in a collection of holsters around their waist.


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