50% decline in unemployment in Dubai last year


Number of unemployed people totalled only 5,632

According to a Labor Force Survey (LFS) conducted by «Dubai Statistics»

Unemployment rate declined in the Emirate of Dubai by 50% over last year, reaching an average of 0.4%, up from 0.8% in 2009, according to the findings of Labor Force Survey (LFS) which was carried out by Dubai Statistics Center (DSC) recently. LFS included workers residing in the emirate, excluding employees and residents outside who are estimated at 674 thousand workers, mostly non-Emiratis, i.e. 33.7% of the total of labor force, reaching two million workers.

LFS stated that the economically active population number (employed and unemployed) residing in the Emirate of Dubai, according to the LFS outcome was (1,331,581) inhabitants, i.e. (79.5%) of the total population (those aged 15 years and more), reaching (1,675,906) inhabitants last year; this percentage represents Refined Economic Activity Rate, while the Crude Economic Activity Rate has reached (66.5%) of the total population with permanent residence in the emirate of Dubai, whose number stood at (2,300,170) inhabitants.

The number of Economically active Emiratis (15 years and more) is (55,953) inhabitants, i.e. (45.2%) of the total UAE population (15 years and more); this percentage represents Refined Economic Activity Rate between UAE nationals, and this varies between males and females, where Refined Economic Activity Rate between UAE nationals males (59.2%) compared to females (31.4%).

The number of non-Economically active Emiratis (15 years and more) is (1,275,628) inhabitants. i.e. (82.2%) of the total non-UAE population (15 years and more); this percentage represents Refined Economic Activity Rate among non-Emiratis, where Refined Economic Activity Rate between UAE nationals males (96.9%) compared to females (36.8%).

The number of employed workers is (1,325,949), i.e. (99.6%) of the total economically active population, and the number of unemployed workers is (5632); thus the unemployment rate is (0.4%), where the number of UAE employed workers is (52.783), i.e. (94.3%) of the total Economically active Emiratis. The number of UAE unemployed workers is (3170) who are seeking work, the number of holders of college degrees is (46.1%) of the total unemployed workers and (43.2%) is holders of secondary school certificate.

Unemployed Workers Distribution

The number of unemployed workers who have previously worked is (1275), i.e. (40.2%) of the total unemployed workers who left their prior jobs for reasons related to wage level, workplace distance, search for a better job, or social conditions, not for reasons of service termination, while the number of new unemployed workers (who never worked) is (1895), i.e. (59.8%) of the total unemployed workers; thus the unemployment rate among UAE nationals is (5.7%), males (3.7%) and females (9.3%).

The number of non-UAE employed workers is (1,273,166), i.e. (99.8%) of the total non-Economically active Emiratis; these high percentages are due to a large number of the population of non-UAE are expats with economic activity, the number of non-UAE unemployed workers is (2462) seeking work, and the percentage of those who obtained a university degree is (89.9%) of the total unemployed workers.

The number of unemployed workers is (1087), who have previously worked, i.e. (44.2%) of the total unemployed workers and the number of new unemployed workers (who never worked) is (1375), i.e. (55.8%) job seekers for the first time, most of them are children of expats in the emirate, dependents and holders of degrees from UAE. Thus, the unemployment rate among non-Emiratis is (0.2%), i.e. males (0.1%) and females (1.4%).

Economically Inactive Population

The survey results showed that the total of economically inactive population (15 years old or more) reached (344.325) person constituting (20.5%) of total population (15 years old or more). Economically inactive Emiratis (15 years old or more) reached (67.742) person constituting (54.8%) of total Emiratis (15 years old or more); male ratio reached (40.8%) of the total of males and females (68.6%).

Non-Emiratis (15 years old or more) reached (276.583) person in this category constituting (17.8%) of total non-Emiratis (15 years old or more). The male ratio reached (3.1%) of the total of males and females (63.2%).

Economically inactive population (15 years old or more) who are not looking for jobs are distributed according to the following categories: dedicating their time to household works, full time student, unwilling to work, (65 years old or more), persons with permanent disability, persons with temporary disability, a person with income, retired person while being less than (65 years old) and inmates in one of (the social, health and penal institutions).

The number of females dedicated to household works reached (215.343) females constituting a ratio of (24.6%). Other categories reached (44.225) persons constituting only a ratio (12.8%).

Labor Force Survey

Labor force survey comes in a series of economical and social surveys conducted regularly by DSC in its annual plan, taking into consideration designing and implementing the most recent methodologies and international standards with what achieves a set of aims, and serves decision makers in drawing up policies and developing programs to absorb graduates and unemployed citizens living in the Emirate of Dubai through providing them job opportunities according to their qualifications and academic specializations. It is noted that this survey was conducted in 2008/2009, which indicates its importance in issuing the most important statistical indices in the Emirate within a time series to observe changes on these indices, in addition to the last survey concerning 2011. The survey aims to estimate the volume of labor forces, standards of participation in economic activity according to different characteristics (age, sex, educational level, academic specialization, marital status, professional composition, economic activities, and knowing the average of salaries and working hours and days per week) and dependency rates, in addition to estimating the volume of employed and unemployed and their own social, economical and demographical characteristics. The sample included Emirates families with a number of (1.010) family, and (999) Non-Emirati families, in addition to collective families with a number of (294) families. The survey also included a sample of labor concentrations, and was conducted on three main phases: preparatory phase, fieldwork phase and preparing and extracting final results, which took four months of extensive work. A number of (5) supervisors and (25) male and female researchers, with an experience in this type of surveys, participated in the field work. The visits to families were during the evening period to insure that the householders are present at that time by conducting personal interview to complete data of all the family members by using laptops. The data has been automatically processed by using the most recent statistical programs and via teams specialized in auditing and revising processes and confirming the accuracy, validity and comprehensive of data.

The response ratio among Emiratis families reached (95%), Non- Emirati families (95%) and collective families (94%). In general, the response ratio to the Emirate level reached (95%), which is a high one compared to the similar surveys. this Indicates the extent of understanding and comprehension of families to the importance of these surveys.


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