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Marriage is good for your heart

Although marriage causes a certain levels of stress for men and women, a new study says it is good for your heart. Marriage may...

Is divorce contagious?

So divorce is contagious…and you can catch the divorce bug from your friends—even from a friend of a friend?

UAE grants 2-month amnesty to illegal foreign workers

A two-month amnesty was announced in the UAE, concerning all people who remain in the country without visas. Foreigners are given the generous opportunity to legitimize their documents or leave...

British Expats Highly Satisfied with Life Standard in UAE

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) provides many economic opportunities, offering career advancement and generous benefits packages in a destination with an extensive expat network....

Amazon’s Kindle Gift Cards for Valentine’s Day

Do you love any Kindle fans? Wait, clarification! You can love more than one Kindle fan and few of them could include your...

62 People Own Same Wealth as Half the World

Runaway inequality has created a world where 62 people own as much as the poorest half of the world’s population – a figure that...

If you are single, Happy Valentine’s Day!

If you are single, Valentine’s Day can evoke depressed feelings of loneliness, self-doubt and underestimation making your whole day a nightmare. But, after all,...

Online Dating: True Love or Real Danger?

As dating is one of the most complex spheres of our social lives, the benefits of online dating have become very attractive to a...

Women foreign workers growing in importance in the Middle East

Labor migration has led to an increase in the independence of women and their influence over household decisions, but more could be done to...

Where Expats Find Hard to Save

In its latest cost of living report, ECA International outlines the priciest cities in the world for expatriates. Among them is also Dubai, but...

MENA Residents Happy with Their Personal Lives But Professionally Unsatisfied

Most of the people who live in MENA countries are satisfied with their personal life, found a new research. However, a big part of...

What potential expats need to consider before they move

Millions and millions of people choose to become expats and move to a foreign country every year. They do that for various reasons...

Valentine’s Day Gift Cards

Valentine’s Day has become an international occasion and now more and more couples in Dubai and the UAE love to celebrate it. So, what’s...

An Average Working Mom Clocks in 98 Hours a Week

Parents who are tasked primarily with raising their children have an inherently difficult job. But can it be quantified into hours like a traditional...

Latest survey reveals 91% of citizens are happy in UAE

Citizens in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) believe that they enjoy a better quality of life than most of their European counterparts, according to...

CDA organizes awareness day for students on importance of respect for...

Building on a special campaign, “My Parents…My Blessing”, to mark the International Day for the Elderly, the Community Development Authority in Dubai (CDA)...

Eid-Al-Fitr holidays announced for public and private sectors

The Eid-Al-Fitr holidays for ministries and other federal government institutions will begin from Friday 17th August 2012 (29th Ramadan 1433) and will last until...

Divorce is a brand-risky and expensive business

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes to divorce after five years of marriage When they first got together, Tom Cruise jumped on a couch, Katie Holmes...