New Microsoft Web Browser – 6 Great Features


Earlier this year, Microsoft has announced that it will replace Internet Explorer (IE) with a brand new browser currently known as Project Spartan. The browser will ship together with the company’s latest operating system Windows 10. The new Windows is expected to arrive later this year, but as for Project Spartan – it is already available for download.

Project Spartan can be downloaded by everyone wishing to try it out. However, it is yet to be released in its complete version. Therefore, consumers can only test Microsoft’s new web browser at this point and it may come with a few bugs. In addition, since Project Spartan is designed to work with Windows 10, anyone wanting to test it should also have the newest version of the Windows 10 Technical Preview. The latter can be downloaded from Microsoft’s Windows website after a quick sign-up for Windows Insider Program.

Project Spartan is a great departure from Microsoft’s Internet Explorer. Its preview edition is packed with various new features and capabilities many of which are not available in other web browsers. Here are 6 great features that may temp you to migrate to Project Spartan:

  • Cortana – Project Spartan supports Cortana. Microsoft’s personal assistant reportedly makes the browsing experience much easier. Cortana offers assistance whenever needed, but remains in the background.
  • Inking – With this browser, users can type or write directly on the page. Also, they can clip or comment on whatever they find interesting on the web.
  • New level of sharing – Microsoft claims that sharing is much easier with Project Spartan. Once consumers have used the inking feature to create a Web Note, they can send it via social media or email.
  • Distraction-free use – Project Spartan supports a Reading View that eliminates all desktop distraction and allows users to focus only on the content they are reading at the moment.
  • Collect things you want – The browser also supports an improved Reading List where users can collect online content that they want to read later. Also, this feature will enable consumers to save a webpage as a PDF document.
  • Faster – Microsoft’s latest browser relies on a new rendering engine. As a result, it is more secure, more reliable and faster compared to IE.

According to Microsoft, this preview version of its Project Spartan is “not polished.” Also, the company explains that it plans to add many other features to it in the near future.


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