Starting on Tuesday 22 of January, the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting 2013 in Davos will gather the World’s top leaders, academics and heads of international businesses in an attempt to help shape the global agenda.
You can participate in the conversation by following the Annual Meeting through social networks:
The Forum’s digital media properties are listed on one page: http://wef.ch/connect. Scan the QR code to connect with the Forum.
Join the conversation on Facebook, Twitter and Google+
Davos content, news and views will be shared throughout the Annual Meeting on our Facebook page with over 121,000 followers
Follow the World Economic Forum on Twitter @Davos, with over 1.7 million followers, as well as live tweet account @WEF where they tweet key quotes from official plenary sessions and where most of the Twitter chatter will happen. The best tweets, pictures and videos from the Annual Meeting will be collated on Storify.
A selection of the best tweets will be displayed on the official Twitter wall on bulletin boards around the Congress Hall.
You can also follow World Economic Forum’s communities: Global Shapers, Technology Pioneers, Schwab Foundation and Young Global Leaders.
Twitter lists:
Participants – part 1 (500 most followed accounts)
Participants – part 2
Media and journalists covering AM13
Corporate accounts at AM13
Follow the Annual Meeting on our Google+ page, with over 1.6 million followers
Davos Apps
The official programme, session videos, blog posts, photos, tweets and Twitter lists will all be available on the Davos App, the public mobile application for the Annual Meeting 2013. For full details on how to install the relevant application, visit http://www.weforum.org/apps.