European Commission commends Emirates’ websites


The European Commission’s Director General for ‘Health and Consumers’ (DG SANCO), has confirmed that Emirates airline’s websites are fully compliant with all the requirements laid down in EU consumer legislation, and it further commended the airline for its commitment to consumer transparency.

In a statement, Commissioner Meglena Kuneva said: “I am delighted to confirm that contrary to some earlier reported indications, Emirates airline is fully in compliance with all the requirements laid down in EU consumer legislation that were monitored in the recent ‘health check’ in relation to air ticket selling websites and therefore belongs to those companies that can serve as an example to be followed by others. I commend Emirates airline as a non-EU carrier for the observance of Community law and for the commitment to maintain these standards and to consumer protection in general demonstrated at a meeting held in Brussels on 17 June”.

DG SANCO’s ‘health check’ investigation and report on airline websites published in May listed Emirates as being non-compliant. Subsequent discussions between the airline and DG SANCO confirmed that this was inaccurate.

Richard Vaughan, Emirates’ Divisional Senior Vice President, Commercial Operations Worldwide, said: “We have had a number of open and productive conversations with DG SANCO over the past weeks. Although we were disappointed with how the original investigations were conducted, we are pleased that this is now resolved, and that consumers can be absolutely satisfied that Emirates’ websites not only fully comply with EU regulations, but also demonstrate leadership in terms of transparency and inclusive pricing.

“As a responsible global airline, our commercial operations are guided by fair business practices and transparency for our customers. All Emirates’ fares include taxes and surcharges and no service fees apply when bookings are made and paid for online. We also provide a breakdown of the fare components both online and with Global Distribution Systems (GDS).”

Mr Vaughan added: “Emirates wants to see high, universal standards across our industry to ensure a level playing field for those airlines, like Emirates, who adhere to transparency and the highest possible standards versus some who continue to practice more opaque pricing and other less consumer-friendly techniques”.


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