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Shorter Workweek Plea Continue – Pros and Cons

About two months ago, billionaire and world’s second wealthiest person Carlos Slim, shared his view that governments should reduce the workweek from five to...

Top Work-Life Balance Jobs

One of the main tendencies influencing modern-day job seekers’ choice of a career is closely related to work-life balance jobs. Jobs that do not...

UAE Jobs Availability Online Drop

UAE Job Vacancies on the Web Registered a Drop The number of job openings posted online in the United Arab Emirates has decreased compared to...

How to Succeed as a Freelancer

It is easy to start, but to succeed as a freelancer takes time and strategy. If the corporate 9-to-5 just doesn’t work for you or...

Most Preferred Jobs in UAE

The United Arab Emirates is a popular destination for job seekers in the Middle East and Sothern Asia. Now, a new survey reveals that...
Smartphones Are Top Productivity Killer

Smartphones Are Top Productivity Killer

While technology helps workers stay connected while away from the office, in many cases it is causing them to disconnect while in the office,...

UAE job market is slowing down; A few sectors still hiring

The Monster Employment Index is a monthly gauge of online job posting activity in Middle-East based on a real-time review of tens of thousands...

How to enhance your future by selling yourself right

Numerous people find it very difficult to sell themselves as a product or a commodity, and that is because of modesty, and because they...

Only 1 in 4 Globally Work Full Time; UAE Tops The...

Only 1.3 billion people, or one in four adults, globally worked full time for an employer in 2013, according to an international survey. The...

Four in five UAE residents feel they have faced discrimination while...

Four in five UAE residents (81%) believe they have faced discrimination while getting a job, new YouGov research reveals. The study looks into the various...

Top 5 Apps for Job Search in UAE

Here is a short review of the top 5 apps for job search in the United Arab Emirates for Apple devices.

More KSA, UAE Residents Concerned about Job and Income Loss

In addition to this, most residents think the pandemic will incur a long lasting damage to their respective economies The latest data from YouGov’s survey...

Emiratisation Online Forum to further address issues on Emirati workforce

Discussions of issues relating to the motivation and retention of Emiratis in the private sector have now become an ongoing process with the launch...

Flexible hours and smart working tools big hit among UAE employees

Employees in the UAE rate their current employers most highly for the smart tools and flexible working hours they provide, according to new survey...

Salaries across GCC states expected to increase by 5% in 2016

A GCC-wide survey of 600 multinational companies and locally-owned conglomerates - the largest study of its kind in the Gulf region - has forecast...

Hottest Social Media Jobs for 2014

From a pure platform for meeting people and sharing content with friends, social media has become a huge tool in companies’ marketing strategies. Today,...

Social media opens the door to hidden job market

Social media has "grown up" in recent years. Now, it is one of the most productive ways to get your qualifications and resume in...

Salaries in UAE Expected to Rise 4.8% in 2015

Salaries in UAE are expected to rise by 4.8% next year, according to a global survey, released Monday. Employers are planning an average salary increase...