Trademarks Committee in the Ministry of Economy considers 35 applications


138,646 Trademarks Applications in UAE

Trademarks Committee in the Ministry of Economy held a meeting on Sunday, January 31, 2010 including representatives of Ministry of Economy and Chambers of Commerce in UAE. The attendees discussed 35 trademarks grievances and took appropriate decisions for each case.

HE Mohammed Ahmed Bin Abdul Aziz – Al Shihhi – Director General of the Ministry of Economy and the Chairman of the committee said: “During our first meeting in 2010, we look forward to continuing our efforts associated with brands and trademarks complaints resolutions. The number of complaints raised by trademarks owners is increasing rapidly, therefore we insisted that the committee gathers representatives, who belong to all chambers of commerce and industry in UAE and abide by the country laws and regulations. This will facilitate the process of protecting trademarks owners and supporting the national economy”.

“There are 138, 646 trademark applications in UAE including 99,750 already registered with Ministry of Economy and divided to 45 categories”. He added.

HE Al Shihhi urged trademarks owners to communicate with the Ministry of Economy and learn more about the laws and regulations which are relevant to logos protection especially that the UAE strives to apply all aspects of intellectual property.


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