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Personal loans limit may be removed soon

New rules could allow loans of up to 50 times an applicants’ monthly salary The draft of a new system for approval of personal...

US President Obama isn’t buying villa on The Palm Jumeirah yet

The rumours that say that the United States current president Barack Obama is planning to buy a villa on The Palm Jumeirah in Dubai...

Malicious SMS rumours about short in supply of medicines and blood...

The Ministry of Health today warned members of the public against heeding malicious SMS rumours about short in supply of medicines and blood in...

“Rumours abound and this is one of many”

Suggestions have emerged over the past few days that the United Arab Emirates carriers could be considering tighter forms of co-operation. Rumors between Emirates...

The number of abandoned-leased cars increased

A report in The National yesterday (10 January, 2009) said that in 2008, the number of abandoned-leased cars increased by 123 per cent and...

Emaar Properties considers cutting 250 jobsaccording media sources

Property developer Emaar Properties is considering cutting 250 jobs as the real estate sector in the emirate suffers a severe downturn, said Bloomberg. The company...

Rumors: Apple to launch iPad mini

A flurry of rumours have hit the web, hinting at the launch of a new miniature version of Apple’s latest slate, the iPad 3. According...

The largest private developer may soon rebrand…

The largest non-listed private sector property developer, DAMAC, may soon treat it's self to a luxurious re-branding and logo makeover. Sources said that the cost...

A rumor that Facebook is shutting down is spreading fast on...

A ridiculous rumor that Facebook is shutting down is spreading fast on social networks. It's not clear how it started, but it's gaining a...

DED: No truth in rumours on penalising individuals and companies for...

In response to enquiries on whether individuals or companies are being penalised for negative comments or opinion on the economic situation, the Dubai Department...