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How Anxiety Can Be Good for You

The reason that some things instill fear and anxiety is because they can cause us harm, either physically or psychologically.

When You Are Tired, Your Brain Cells Slow Down

It has been established that sleep deprivation slows down our reaction time, but it has been unclear exactly how the lack of sleep affects...

Buy Happiness on a Budget

Money can't buy happiness! This is a popular saying and we are not even imagining to argue against it. However, the connection between happiness...

Don’t Shop Travel Deals at Work

It is probably not a good idea to shop travel deals and leisure travel from the office during business hours, according to a new...

The Real Risk of Automation: Boredom

We are at risk of boring ourselves to death? Less than 5% of occupations are 100% automatable, according to estimates. However, 30% of the...

Who’s Smarter, Dogs or Cats? Here Is The Answer

There’s a new twist to the perennial argument about which is smarter, cats or dogs. It has to do with their brains, specifically the number...

The Connection Between Food and Mood

Most probably, you know a little bit about the connection between food and mood, especially if you have noticed that while you are tired...

Women Survive Crises Better Than Men

Women today tend to live longer than men almost everywhere worldwide -- in some countries by more than a decade. Now, three centuries of historical...

Daydreaming is Good: It Means You Are Smart

A new study from the Georgia Institute of Technology suggests that daydreaming during meetings isn't necessarily a bad thing. It might be a sign...

Jealousy Scientifically Explained, But Only for One Gender

Scientists pinpoint jealousy in the monogamous mind Jealousy typically rears its head when we think a rival threatens a valuable relationship, such as a potential...

How to Make Better Decisions: Look at The Big Picture or...

New research suggests how distancing yourself from a decision may help you make the choice that produces the most benefit for you and others...

Women Kinder Than Men, More Generous Too

Male and female brains react differently to selfless and selfish behaviour, with women’s brains showing a stronger reward signal for kindness and generosity, a...