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Brain Activity Is Inherited

Every person has a distinct pattern of functional brain connectivity known as a connectotype, or brain fingerprint. While individually unique, each connectotype demonstrates both...

Rich and Poor Equally Happy! Sadness is The Problem

One of the latest reports by Oxfam states global inequality has reached records levels. According to the research, the richest 1% of the population...

Customers Who Pay By Card Less Likely to Remember Paid Amounts

The transparency of spending money depends on the mode of payment used: cash, single-function cards that offer only a payment function, or multifunctional cards...

Digital Devices during Family Time Trigger Bad Behavior in Children

Parents who spend a lot of time on their phones or watching television during family activities such as meals, playtime, and bedtime could influence...

People Became Less Intelligent, or IQ Tests Are at Fault

A defining trend in human intelligence tests that saw people steadily obtaining higher IQ scores through the 20th century has abruptly ended, a new...

6 Surprising Facts about Happiness and Music

Happiness and music are more connected that you think! In fact, “happy music” is a widely accepted term in the scientific field. Researchers define...

Behavior in High School Predicts Success Later in Life

Being a responsible student, maintaining an interest in school and having good reading and writing skills will not only help a teenager get good...

The Connection Between Food and Mood

Most probably, you know a little bit about the connection between food and mood, especially if you have noticed that while you are tired...

Why Mental Health Counseling is Something We Should Support

Despite the growing awareness of mental health and mental health treatment options, counseling is one of those professions where there are still misconceptions and...

When You Are Tired, Your Brain Cells Slow Down

It has been established that sleep deprivation slows down our reaction time, but it has been unclear exactly how the lack of sleep affects...

Don’t Shop Travel Deals at Work

It is probably not a good idea to shop travel deals and leisure travel from the office during business hours, according to a new...

Women Survive Crises Better Than Men

Women today tend to live longer than men almost everywhere worldwide -- in some countries by more than a decade. Now, three centuries of historical...

Using Money to Buy Time Boosts Life Satisfaction

Using money to buy free time, such as paying to delegate household chores like cleaning and cooking, is linked to greater life satisfaction. New research...

Smartphone Apps Help Reducing Depression

New Australian-led research has confirmed that smartphone apps are an effective treatment option for depression, paving the way for safe and accessible interventions for...

Battling Loneliness Suggestions

The more you learn about happiness, the more you will believe that loneliness is a terrible, common, and important obstacle to consider. There is a...

Why Your Attitude Is More Important Than Your Intelligence

When it comes to success, it’s easy to think that people blessed with brains are inevitably going to leave the rest of us in...

Telehealth: Why To Choose Online Therapy

We are going to look at the reasons you may not seek treatment and how online therapy can help

Stop Caring About Five Things to Feel Happier

Happiness comes from the little things, like listening to birds’ songs, watching the sunrise with someone you love, or even watching your favourite TV...