8 Rules of The Happy Productive Entrepreneur


Deal with failures

No one is perfect and you will make mistakes – probably a lot of them. But that’s not the problem, because mistakes can be your greatest teachers if you realize what you’ve done wrong and learn from it. Don’t give up because of failures and don’t ever allow yourself to make the same mistake twice.

Establish a healthy morning routine

You will have a great day only if you start it right, so instead of having a cup of coffee while dressing up for work, allow yourself to properly wake up. The best formula is getting up early, do some physical exercise, having a rich, nutritious breakfast and sipping your coffee at the office. Try to go to bed early and don’t use your phone as an alarm – if you put your phone next to your bed, you will probably spend an hour or so gazing to its little glowing screen. Exposure to bright light before bed has been proven to damage the sleep, so use an old-fashioned alarm clock.

Stop being so nice to everyone

That’s right! Stop trying to please everyone – you need to learn how to criticize your employers, but without offending them or making them feel worthless. Constructive criticism is extremely healthy in professional surroundings and leads to problem solving and innovation. However, it doesn’t mean you should be rude. On the contrary, always show your respect for others, otherwise you risk losing them.

Surround yourself with smarter people

What employers do you hire – skilled, knowledgeable, educated, responsible, loyal? Look for people who smarter than you. This is the only way you can guarantee your company can move on and succeed even if you are on a vacation. Besides, it’s always great to have someone to advise you and give you new ideas.

Always strive for improvement

Many people think that once they achieve their goal, they can slow down and enjoy their success. But the really successful entrepreneur is always searching for new goals, new challenges and new projects. This is how millionaires are born.

In order to stay creative and productive in the workplace, you need to allow yourself some fun. Life is not just work – stop ignoring your family and friends; spend as much time as you can with them. This is the greatest motivation you can have.


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