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Tag: Online Media

Twitter Seeks Public Input on Synthetic and Manipulated Media

When people come to Twitter to see what’s happening in the world, Twitter wants them to have context about the content they’re seeing and...

Fee or free? Charge for content counter-intuitively

Charging readers for online content during periods of low demand, and providing more content for free during periods of high demand, feels counter-intuitive but...

Companies Will Increase Digital Marketing Budgets in 2016

Digital Marketing Is Now Mainstream98 Percent of Marketers Say Online and Offline Marketing Are MergingDigital marketing is now mainstream, and digital commerce is a...

Internet marketing can top traditional models

Marketing Effectiveness: Getting the right returns from brand investmentsResults of a Nielsen study looking at marketing of products in Asia-Pacific, the Middle East...

Key word “Dubai” gains dramatic positive populiarity

Dubai's share in mentions in online forums and social media has grown dramatically over the past few months. In May, the mentions outnumbered...

The Top 10 Online News Providers in UAE

With the constant and somewhat aggressive integration of the Internet into our daily lives, online media became essential for movers, shakers and decision makers...