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Top 5 Social Media Tips for Small Business Marketing – Part 2


*Continued from part 1

If you are running a small or medium business or if you are a marketing manager in a larger company, you probably know that today social media is essential to business success. You can reach to a wide range of customers, promote your brand and increase your sells, besides other things. Before going online, you should first build up your social media marketing strategy and make slow steps, one at a time.

We have already outlined the basics for the good social media marketing strategy in the previous article. So, now let’s focus on some additional things and tricks that every successful marketer hides in his pocket.

1. Don’t try too hard

While social media websites are always on, you are not. Don’t try to stay online 24/7 – it’s nearly an impossible task, unless you have indefinite resources. If you represent a big company, you will be able to afford a whole team of employees working on shifts. Otherwise, you will find yourself putting all your energy (and finances) on marketing only. Just try to publish meaningful content whenever you can.

2. Track your social media presence

There are many professional tools and options for analysis, monitoring and optimization of your online presence. Track yours and your audience activity using services like SocialBro or Social Flow which will show you the best time for publishing and the interests of the community. Crowdbooster provides analytics solution, while Hootsuite will help you manage your accounts, websites or blogs.

3. Be careful with your language

It’s not about your tone or messages, although they are very important, too. It’s about what you say and how you say it – don’t make silly mistakes such as tweeting wrong information and spreading unclear or deceitful messages.

4. Be careful with automated updates

Automated updates are a great option because you can sometimes forget or are unable to publish certain content. But you have to be prepared to change your content whenever some unexpected event happens.

5. Promotions and adds can be hijacked

Be careful with promotions and advertisements where customers can tweet or post something about your company. Social media feeds can easily turn against you, if you are not careful. This was the case with Dubai’s based du telecom Twitter account in recent days when customers complained about the latest fee increase.  If you have doubts, get some professional advice.


  1. Very well said. Simple yet effective. At the end of the day, it all boils down on how you present your brand to consumers across your social media platforms, knowing when to post what, and staying on the ball with cutting-edge marketing techniques.


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