Nielsen Study: Retailer Accessibility Beyond Physical Branches
UAE consumers are no longer looking for their needs in only their local retailers, but are taking strides in the digital realm looking to “e-tailers” for more options.
In a recent survey conducted by Nielsen, a leading provider of information and insights, brought to light an important trend, and that is the increasing dependency on e-commercial outlets for the consumers’ browsing and shopping needs.
All UAE respondents have confirmed that they have done some sort of shopping activity online, out of which 68% have progressed into completed transactions.
“Retailers have to consider more than simply being present online, they need to think ‘mobile screen’ first,” noted Arslan Ashraf, Managing Director, Nielsen Arabian Peninsula. “Smartphone penetration in the UAE is estimated to be around 80%, and it is usually their first point of access when e-browsing.”
While online sales are on the rise, fears about the impact on physical store traffic may be somewhat inflated. As it stands today, consumers aren’t simply “showrooming”—browsing in store and then going online in search of the lowest-cost option. They’re also “webrooming”—researching online and buying in stores.