UK government to inspect British schools in Dubai


Dubai’s Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA) has announced an agreement with the Department for Education of England (DfE) to deliver British Schools Overseas (BSO) inspections in strategic cooperation with CfBT Education Trust.

The announcement coincided with the visit to KHDA by John Hayes, UK Minister of State for Further Education, Skills and Lifelong Learning.

BSO inspections enable parents, the school and other stakeholders to see how the school measures up against the standards that apply to independent schools in the UK, taking into account local requirements. To qualify for BSO inspection, schools must be able to demonstrate that their curriculum and ethos are related to British culture. If they meet the standards, they will be recognised by DfE.

KHDA and CfBT will offer BSO inspections to Dubai’s 54 British curriculum-based schools in conjunction with the inspections conducted annually by the Dubai Schools Inspection Bureau. To be classified as ‘British’ by KHDA, schools will need to undergo BSO inspections.

Dr Abdulla Al Karam, Director General of KHDA, said: “This agreement is a very significant step in reaching our goal of ensuring high quality education for all private school students in Dubai. We look forward to the positive impact it will have on Dubai’s education system.”

Nick Gibb, Minister of State for Schools at DfE said: “As part of the Dubai government, KHDA is committed to high standards in all its schools. We are pleased that it has adopted an approach which improves the inspection process for British Overseas Schools in Dubai. These inspections will deliver high quality reports for both KHDA and DfE.”

Guy Warrington, Her Majesty’s Consul General in Dubai, said: “There is already a strong partnership between the UK and the UAE in the field of education. Today’s announcement will contribute to greater transparency of information about British education for parents and help advance the quality of education available in Dubai.”

Paul Wagstaff, Regional Director of Middle East and North Africa for CfBT Education Trust, said: “We are delighted in the way the strong partnership between KHDA and CfBT has grown. This latest development marks a significant landmark in strengthening our strategic relationship and in working together to improve the quality of education for young people in Dubai.”


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