Tag: Cabin Crew
Planning a Solo Vacation? Let Emirates be Your Guide!
For all those celebrating Plan a Solo Vacation Day, Emirates has curated special tips and tricks to help customers embrace the sheer thrill, freedom,...
Emirates Is Looking for Cabin Crew in UAE
Emirates, is looking for candidates in the UAE to join its multinational cabin crew team. Candidates are required to register online on the Emirates...
Emirates To Hold Open Days for Recruiting Cabin Crew in Dubai
Emirates is looking for motivated and service-oriented candidates to join its multinational cabin crew team. The airline will be organising Open Days for cabin...
Emirates Airline Is Recruiting Cabin Crew
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UAE nationals invited to join Emirates Airline
The Emirates Group, expanding upon its commitment to provide job opportunities and rewarding careers to Emiratis, expands the breadth of recruitment. Under the patronage...
Emirates to recruit 4,000 cabin crew from Ireland and Britain
The Dubai-based Emirates airline is flying to Ireland on a search of 4,000 new cabin crew members.
The company will hold four recruitment days across...
Emirates Airlines will host an Open Day for Cabin Crew applicants...
Emirates will visit Abu Dhabi this week in a bid to recruit additional cabin crew to help service the company’s rapidly expanding fleet...