Social Media Demographics – Find Out What Works for Whom


In order to be an effective marketer in any medium, it’s important to know your audience. For social media marketers, knowing who the core users are on each social network could be invaluable in helping decide which platforms to focus on. Marketing software provider Sprout Social researched piles of social media demographics and pulled it all together in one handy infographic which is featured below.

Overall, the data supports what we already know, that women dominate social media. This is especially true on Pinterest where women made up 42 percent of users, and Snapchat where women represented 70 percent of users.

On other networks, like Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram, the numbers were a little more even, but women represented a higher percentage of users. Men use Twitter slightly more than women and Google+ was an outlier with men making up 74 percent of the user base.

Social media audiences are also relatively young. Indeed, 18-29-year-olds make up the largest age group on nearly every platform. LinkedIn is the only network where the percentage of 30-49 and 50-64 year old users outnumber their younger counterparts. LinkedIn users also had the highest average income.

Not surprisingly, Snapchat attracts the youngest users, with more than 70 percent under 25, according to the infographic. 62 percent of these users also make less than $50,000 annually, perhaps making them a group with less buying power than the core demographic on other social networks.


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