Top Technology Trends of The Future


Making predictions and forecasting the top technology trends of the future is a not an easy task, since the industry is one of the fastest changing. In addition, not all ideas and innovations can find a market. A very few of today’s rising technology experiments are affordable for the mass consumer or even practical. Others fail to impress people or simply are too innovative to charm them.

However, the IEEE Computer Society attempted to do the almost impossible by creating a list of the top technology trends that could potentially transform not only the tech market, but also the computer science as whole by 2022. Here is an outline of the major technology trends of the future.

MOOCs – According to IEEE’s report, MOOCs or Massively Online Open Courses can completely change education. Higher education, in particular, is predicted to be more open-minded towards this trend. As a result, traditional universities that do not adopt MOOC may witness a decline in the number of their students.

Cloud Computing – The role of the cloud is said to become even more important and central over the next eight years. Still, not all computer-related technologies will rely on cloud computing.

Medical Robotics – Doctors, do not worry. Robots will not replace you by 2022. However, they will become a big part of your work. For instance, the use of telecommunication and information technologies for providing clinical health care at a distance will become a common practice in the near future. Medical robots will also be used to deliver supplies to hospitals. Prosthesis, on the other hand, will become more high-tech.

Sustainability – Everything from vehicles to chips and batteries is expected to become more sustainable. The reason is that it will rely more on renewable energy. Nevertheless, the use of computer devices by 2022 will probably reach unimaginable levels. Therefore, IEEE specialists are not certain whether the new sustainability solutions would be enough to meet the levels of ever-rising tech consumption.

The Internet of Things – In 2022, everything will be connected through the Internet of Things. Many people will live in smart homes and even wear smart clothes. The only problem will be the lack privacy and security.

Quantum Computing – The first commercial quantum computers may finally become a reality by 2022 or at least they will seem like a more achievable goal.

Universal Memory – Similar to quantum computing, universal memory is still a dream of the future. Still, IEEE’s report is positive that scientists may reach a breakthrough and find a way to make universal memory possible. This new memory format will offer consumers an unparalleled speed, high-density storage, as well as low-power operation.

3D Printing – The rise of 3D printing is just beginning. This technology will completely transform the process of manufacturing mainly by greatly reducing its cost. It is already changing the retail industry.

Life Sciences – By 2022, people will start to rely more on technology when it comes to matters like improving the health and well-being of both humans and animals.

Security Cross-Cutting Issues – The only aspect of technology that does not seem to evolve in a positive direction seems to be privacy and security. As data becomes bigger and web use greater, consumers will be exposed to more and more threats.

Photonics – Photonics is a science that revolves around the generation, transmission, signal processing, emission, modulation, amplification, switching and detection of light. IEEE’s report predicts that it will play an important role in the people’s efforts to cope with the energy challenges of the future.

Nanotechnology – Nanotechnology will find wider use in the manufacturing of various products like tires, displays and even medical gadgets.

Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems – Machine learning has already started to play a key role in many people’s lives. By 2022, however, many of the technologies and models related to this type of learning will be better and more effective.

The bottom line is that many of the futuristic technologies that we know today will become an everyday part of our lives. However, the main issue for technology users will remain the lack of privacy and security.


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