Most Active Social Media Users Revealed


Nearly everyone who has access to the Internet uses social media websites. The reasons for that vary from one person to another. Some people use social networks to connect with their friends, while others simply observe the activity of their social connections. A recent research finally revealed the identity of the most active social media users. Interestingly, the study has discovered that these are not teenagers or computer geeks, but moms.

According to BabyCenter’2013 Social Mom Report, the number of moms who actively use social websites is estimated at 84%. In comparison, social non-moms are 73%. Moreover, moms were found to spend 1.4 hours more in online socializing compared to women who have no children or with kids older than 8.

For the purposes of the research, BabyCenter surveyed nearly 1,500 women, about 900 of which were moms. The age group of the moms was between 18 – 34 and their kids’ maximum age was 8 years.

The study discovered that only for one year the number of “social moms” jumped with 14%. The research points that this may be due to the rise of mobile social users which have increased with the astonishing 260% over the last 12 months. As a result, moms who access their social media profiles through mobile devices rose with 24% in one-year period.

In addition, moms were found to visit all kinds of social websites. Nevertheless, they do seem to have a preference for platforms that offer more visual content.

Also, social moms use social networks mainly for connection, discovery and sharing. About 45% of the surveyed moms shared that social media connects them to other users. Most moms (86%) report that they see their social friends who have kids as being more important than those who don’t (68%). In addition, over 60% of them conclude that social media enables them to find information faster than any other online tool. In terms of sharing, the majority of moms (92%) prefer to share mainly content about their children and family.

But apart from active social users, moms are also active online shoppers. They make 61% more toys and other game purchases, 41% more apparel purchases and 56% more home and garden purchases. As a matter of fact moms lead in all categories listed in the study, including baby supplies (17%), health and beauty (19%), food and beverage (49%), movies and videos (59%) and etc.

Therefore, if you are looking for an audience of your social marketing campaign, a good idea would be to pay some extra attention to your audience of moms.


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