Social Media – A Shortcut to Plastic Surgery


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Social media websites are a modern-day vanity fair. They are a place where many people do all they can to get noticed and to receive a response from their circles of social contacts. The ultimate goal is to present yourself as a successful and happy individual. As a result, the majority of pictures posted by social users include wide smiles, wild parties, couples in love and long vacations. Not many are those who dare to publish a picture of their boring day in front of the laptop, for instance. That is why it was not a surprise when a number of studies announced that social media websites can make us feel lonely and sad or even to unlock a depression. However, a new research shows that the situation is getting more and more serious as it triggers users to undergo plastic surgeries.

The study, conducted by AAFPRS, has discovered that social media is partly responsible for the high number of plastic surgeries today. According to the report, surgeons in the field inform that many of their clients choose to undergo plastic surgeries only because they want to look better on their social profiles. Moreover, these professionals add that such requests have increased with more than 30% over the last year.

Researchers behind the study explain that images are the one to be blamed for this new trend. According to experts, when we look at photos of other people, we naturally compare ourselves them. That can happen both consciously and unconsciously. In social websites, we are constantly bombarded by imaged of our friends. Therefore, we constantly compare ourselves to them and more particularly to their appearance. As a result, we start to become more aware of our flaws and that may push some to undergo a plastic surgery procedure. Interestingly, not long ago this role of social media was played by celebrities and gossip magazines.

Also, the study discovered another unusual trend which revealed that fewer and fewer patients use social websites to research plastic surgeons and procedures. In 2012, their number was equal to 7%. That is 28% less compared to 2011. In other words, social websites are rather a source of “inspiration” for plastic surgery patients and not a tool for research as it is often the case in other sectors. The report informs that this is a dangerous tendency since uninformed patients often make wrong decisions which lead to bad experiences.

In addition, the “2012 Plastic Surgery Statistic Report” informs that the amount of cosmetic procedures has surpassed that of reconstruction surgeries. Today, cosmetic surgeries make up more than 70% of all plastic operations. The top procedures include facelifts, rhinoplasty and Botox.

It appears that social media has a bigger influence on our lives and mind that previously believed.


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