Combatting rising substance abuse in community


National Rehabilitation Centre and the Federal Anti-Narcotics Department Join Together to Discuss Solutions

According to a 2011 UN World Drug Report, synthetic and prescription drugs are among the most commonly abused substances across the region. Approximately 64% of addicts in the UAE who seek treatment are hooked on prescription drugs. The search for holistic solutions to combat this, what to expect from inpatient treatment for substance abuse – and other drug-related – issues was the main topic of discussion at a meeting held between a delegation from the federal Anti-Narcotics Department at the UAE Ministry of Interior – headed by Colonel Saeed Twair Al Suwaidi, Director General at the Anti-Narcotics Department – and a team from the National Rehabilitation Centre (NRC).

H.E Dr. Hamad Al Ghaferi, NRC’s Director General said: “At NRC, we recognise that substance abuse is a condition that has consequences on one’s family relationships and health. However, it also impacts the nation’s economic growth and its long term sustainability.”

The meeting with our peers at the federal Anti-Narcotics Department was held with the aim of strengthening our platform of exchange with regards to analysing case studies, enhancing relationships with other industry authorities, and training workshops. Only by cooperating with our strategic partners can we work towards the same goal of building a nation free of drug abuse.”

He also mentioned that with the support of the nation’s leadership, NRC was able to achieve noteworthy success in the field of substance abuse treatment which has resulted in NRC now being recognised within the global medical community for being among the best centres for substance abuse treatment and rehabilitation.

For the years 2010/2011, the percentage of NRC’s patients admitted more than one time in a year was only 20% – which is considered lower than that in several of the world’s top addiction treatment centres. On average, NRC receives 8 new patients a week who present themselves as ‘Outpatients’, and, approximately 70% of the Centre’s patients come to seek treatment voluntarily with their personal records showing no trace of their time spent being rehabilitated at NRC.

At the meeting, both parties committed to ensuring that voluntary patient information is maintained in all confidentiality in order to protect the identity of the patient and his family. Colonel Saeed Twair Al Suwaidi, Director General at the Anti-Narcotics Department, reaffirmed his commitment to liaising with the relevant authorities to ensure that those patients who are transferred from NRC to government hospitals for medical treatment have their identities protected and that no legal action be taken against them.

For those patients who are referred to the NRC by the Abu Dhabi Judicial Department (ADJD), H.E Al Ghaferi expressed the need to establish a policy which could allow NRC to monitor and review the rehabilitated patient’s health at the end of his detention period for 6 consecutive months in order to reduce any incidence of him relapsing.

Training and manpower development plans were also discussed during the meeting and it was agreed that the NRC will include the federal Anti-Narcotics Department in the ongoing training programmes that are regularly conducted by the Centre.


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