Key Humanitarians Discussing the Ability to Access the most beneficial Biomedical Innovations


DIHAD Conference and Exhibition commenced with its second day sessions with the participation of key international humanitarians, highlights the major health risks that stem from humanitarian challenges, more specifically the recent earthquake in Haiti, the ongoing food crisis and global warming.

DIHAD in its seventh edition is held under the theme, “Global Health Challenges of Tomorrow: Impact & Response”, where key humanitarians discussed people with the greatest needs in terms of health care, and how to access to the most beneficial biomedical innovations by those in need.

The session was presided by Dr. Mukesh Kapila, Chief Executive, population Health and Genomics (PHG) foundation, in Cambridge United Kingdom.

During the session, Dr. Hilary Burton, Programmes Director, population Health and genomics (PHG) Foundation and Deputy Chief Executive of PHG Foundation delivered a synopsis on realizing the benefits of genomics for health around the world. She said: “Although our work is focused on helping health systems and policy-makers in different countries to make the best use of geometric science”.

In addition, there were two workshops on “briefing on Health – Related Aspects of World Food Program (WFP) In- county operations” delivered by; Mr. Giancarl Cirri, WFP Country Director, Yemen, Ms. Alzira Ferreira, WFP Country Director – Tajikistan, Mr. Edward Kallon, WFP Country Director – Iraq, and Ms. Christine Van, WFP Country Director – Palestine.

The second workshop was entitled “Community Empowerment tools, including the Interrogation of a gender prospective, in the development of Health services and facilities, delivered by Dr. Mayling Simpson-Hebert, and Regional Health Advisor, Catholic Relief services (CRS) regional office for east Africa, Nairobi and Ms. Siobhan foran, inter – agency standing committee Gencap (Gender) advisor with the global clusters.

Tomorrow will be the last day of DIHAD Conference and Exhibition, where the scientific Committee of (DISAB) will deliver the recommendations of DIHAD 2010.


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