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Tag: Behavioral Factors

Digital Devices during Family Time Trigger Bad Behavior in Children

Parents who spend a lot of time on their phones or watching television during family activities such as meals, playtime, and bedtime could influence...

Scientifically Proven: Generous People Are Happier

Generosity makes people happier, even if they are only a little generous. People who act solely out of self-interest are less happy. Merely promising...

Self Driving Cars To Make Moral, Ethical Decisions

Can a self driving car be moral, act like humans do, or act like humans expect humans to? Contrary to previous thinking, a groundbreaking new...

Summer Heat Makes People Moody, Unhelpful

Summer heat affects all living things and for some can be even fatal. A recently released study proved that when it's uncomfortably hot, people are...

Men More Narcissistic than Women?

Women can spend hours in front of the mirror, but men are actually more narcissistic, says a new research. It turns out gender stereotypes...

New Rules of Social Media Etiquette

Although social media, as we see it today, has been here for less than a decade, its meaning and role shifted significantly and now...

Ramadan Dos and Don’ts for Expats

Ramadan is the most widely celebrated time of the year in the Arab world. With over 85% of Dubai’s population being expatriates and more...