Abu Dhabi Teen Launches Website to Help UAE students Conquer Career Fears

A teen in Abu Dhabi has launched CareerFear, a free online resource designed to help high school students in the UAE discover their future careers. 
Tanishq Kumar, a 16 year old student at Cranleigh Abu Dhabi, says he founded the non-profit service to provide teens in the Emirates with key information about different jobs so they can make smarter decisions about what kind of career path they want to take.
“Most of us are constantly asked about future aspirations, but we don’t really know much about what it takes to become a doctor, a lawyer, or anything else for that matter.” says Tanishq. “The limited career guidance resources online are complex and not made for teens. That needs to change.” the young founder believes.
A survey by EdSource found out that over 55% of high school students feel unsure about their career readiness. Teens in the UAE don’t have access to resources to the same extent as students in countries like the US or UK. A study from IPSOS also discovered that two-thirds of all high schoolers are worried about pressures to do well in college and choose an appropriate career path.
The website also uploads interviews of people in various professions in the UAE, so teens can learn about exactly what it takes to do those jobs.
CareerFear has already interviewed several professionals at various brands around the Emirates, such as Raffles Hotel Dubai, BrandMoxie Abu Dhabi and NYU Abu Dhabi.
CareerFear also interviewed David Jelley, Hospital Director at Mediclinic Al Jowhara, who says it’s a much needed initiative for teens not just in the UAE but also around the MENA region in general. He adds that he’s impressed that teens in the UAE are getting involved in community outreach.
Edward Garemo, also 16, a student at Brighton College Abu Dhabi, said that CareerFear is a resource he has started using since he’s being pressured to decide on a career, and he wants to find something he truly enjoys. 
For more information about CareerFear visit: www.careerfear.org


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