Private Tutoring Made Easy


TutorVista is a pioneering venture aimed at equalizing education by assembling experienced teachers and making their lectures affordable to everyone. The website covers primary and secondary school topics in number of subjects .  Even provides  Chemistry help and Physics help to college students. It is very reasonably priced – much lower than one hour of traditional private tutoring, not only in Dubai, but around the world. Unlimited access to hundreds of lectures over all subjects can be obtained for a reasonable monthly subscription.

The TutorVista experience is designed to provide students with everything they need to succeed in different courses, even the most difficult ones. One of the most advances features on the website is the Physics problem solver, that provides   Physics Answers, difficult for students to find in normal circumstances.

The customized interface creates a one-to-one learning environment with the tutor, while emphasizing graphical explanations and working through solution steps. Below each lecture video are detailed notes which highlight the most important points to remember as well as common student pitfalls in finding Chemistry Answers and solving Physics Problems.

Once a student has qualified instructor in a subject, learning anything is possible. TutorVista seeks to find these teachers and bring their expertise to online students. With affordable pricing everyone can access the content because every student deserves an excellent education regardless of geographic location or socioeconomic status.


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