Latest Bread Trends Reveal Surprising Picture


Bread has always been one of the most basic and common food in almost all parts of the world, but lately, there are tendencies against the grain. Many women are trying to reduce their carbohydrate intake and with the current war declared on gluten, it seems bread has lost its centuries-old appeal. But is it true? Are we going to abandon the baked delight? Well, latest bread trends reveal a surprising picture – bread may be more powerful than we thought. Just check the Baking Goods & Cooking Supplies section.

Bread baking dates to some 30,000 years ago, when it was prepared with just flour and water and its industrialization is one of the humankind’s biggest steps to the modern world as we know it today. Despite the fact that now there is a huge variety of types sold in stores, many people decide to give up bread for “health” reasons. Too much carbs aren’t good for the figure, while gluten causes bloating, inflammation, depression, acne, autism, weight gain and even cancer. At least that’s what diet and pill marketers want us to think. But are these true?

Low-carb and gluten-free

Now shelves are full of “low-carb” and gluten-free breads, which are made of mostly seeds, nuts and vegetables. There are also fermented, wholewheat and wholegrain, fortified, cornbread, sprouted, ancient-grain, bakery bread, seeded bread, 100% natural, and so on. You can even buy bread, which has been blessed by Buddhist monks. The gluten-free bread is recommended to people with celiac disease and isn’t very appropriate if you are on a diet. Bread low in carbohydrates isn’t always a diet one, so go to the labels thoroughly and see the amount of fats and energy.


Sourdough is basically fermented dough, but instead of using processed yeast, naturally occurring lactobacilli and yeasts are utilized. This process makes the bread healthier – with easy to absorb vitamins and minerals, while the acids keep its glycaemic index low.

Whole grains

Whole-grain and multi-grain breads are extremely popular for their health benefits, as well as for their rich flavor and great texture. They contain more fiber and lots of micronutrients like iron, folate and iodine.

Artisan breads

Natural or home-style breads are on trend right now – they are delicious, with intense flavor and thick crust. They don’t contain preservatives and artificial ingredients, so they are definitely one of the best solutions on the market.

Arabian and Asian-style breads

Flat, Middle Eastern pitas can be very tasty and healthy, while Chinese breads vary from fried dough to flatbreads with toppings – smoked bacon, Asian cress, and honey-peanut vinaigrette.

The artisan toast

Restaurants, and their customers most of all, are crazy about this food trend – a simple, high-quality, crisped-up bread, topped with something simple and healthy. And the avocado toast is king! In fact, bread, and toasts in particular, has been elevated to a separate course in some menus and is served with wine, a pint of beer, or with aromatic coffee in the morning.

It seems that today bread has more varieties, flavors and textures than ever. It may be still cool not to eat bread in some parts of the world, but bread is becoming a powerful food trend by itself. And if you are wondering which type to choose, go for something natural, freshly cooked from the bakery. It will have less preservatives, less sodium, and more intense flavor to satisfy your hunger.


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