How to Win Over a Stubborn Child


Young children are often hard to control. They quickly change their mood, wishes and opinions. However, often when you ask them do something or just cooperate, they get stubborn and won’t even hear of it. The result of that is an angry, tired parent and a kid in tantrum that refuses to even listen. Such situations seem impossible to handle. The truth, however, is that there are some secrets that can help you win over your stubborn child.

Jumeirah_Living_World_Trade_Centre_Residences-_Mother_and_Child-_Breakfast_Shot_2Make it Fun

Putting the serious and angry face on is the last tactic you should use when you face a stubborn child. It would be better if you try to make things more fun by turning them into a game. If your kids do not want to get into the car, challenge them on a race to it or offer them a ride on your shoulders.

Trick Them Out

Just like adults, children do not like to be bossed around. Therefore, you need to make them believe that they are in charge in the particular tough situation. Let’s say that your kids don’t want to put their shoes on or make their bed. Instead of demanding, screaming and shouting, ask them one simple question: “You can’t do that, can you?” In that way you will give them the chance to prove you wrong. Although, really effective, this method should be not be overused when dealing with a stubborn child. Otherwise, your kid may start to think that you always underestimate his abilities. As a result, he or she may grow up with a low self-esteem.

Don’t Force it, Just Ask Politely

Parents try to teach their children about the power of magical words like “thank you,” “please” and etc. However, many of them rarely use it with their kids. Requiring and demanding certain behaviour from your children is wrong and it will never make them cooperate. Try asking them politely, as you would do with a grown person.

No Need to Repeat

Kids will not always listen the first time. That is why some parents have the habit of repeating things over and over again, thinking that eventually the children will get tired of hearing it and follow the “command.” However, the only thing you will achieve with this tactic is teaching your kids to stop listening. At one point, your words will pass through their ears like a white noise leaving no imprint in their mind.

Now you are probably getting skeptical about this point. You are maybe thinking: “But how will that make them cooperate?” It will if you pretend that you have forgot what you have asked for. Say things like: “Didn’t I ask you to do something? You were about to do something, but what was it? Will you remind me?” That will make kids believe that they are smarter than the adult. The satisfaction and enthusiasm from that will actually make them forget to be stubborn long enough to do the job.

Offer Help When Necessary

When you ask your kids to behave in a particular way or to do certain tasks, you need to be ready to offer your helping hand. Sometimes kids are not stubborn and they are rather unsure in their abilities to do what you ask them to. Be supportive and be ready to pick them up when they fall.


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