End of the Year Gifts for School Teachers Ideas


bouquet of flowersAt the end of the school year, children and their parents usually give little presents to teachers to show them their gratefulness and respect. However, do not feel obliged to give a end of the year gifts to teachers who don’t deserve gratitude!

While kids may choose flowers, cards or personalized pens and mugs, parents can come up with a more interesting idea for appreciation gifts. If you wish to express your gratitude for a good job, patience and care towards your kid, you may consider one of these gift ideas for the end of the year for school teachers.

Gift Cards

Gift cards are always some of the best gifts – they are great for every occasion and can be selected individually. Depending on the teacher’s interests you buy a movie theater gift card, a certificate for a spa or yoga salon, a card allowing him or her to shop at a candy, apparel or gift store. A magazine subscription or a good book is also a very nice present.

Among Dubai’s moms, shopping mall gift certificates are preferred end of the year gifts for school teachers. Second best is the spa voucher, but the teacher’s personality should be considered. Spa gift cards are easier to book online at SpaFinder.com.

Beach Bag and Accessories

Summer is a time for vacation not only for children but for their teachers, too, so anything concerning vacations would be a great choice for a gift. Buy a sweet beach bag and fill it with beach accessories such as sunglasses, a beach towel, a hat and flip-flops. And don’t forget the sunscreen, unless you want the vacation turn into a sunburn nightmare.

Hand-Painted Flower Pot or Vase

Take ordinary clay flower pot and get the kids paint it, then plant some bulbs and here’s your unique, hand-made gift! You can also use an old vase or bowl and spray-paint it, fill it with coffee beans, colourful beads, or whatever you can find. Then arrange several flowers on top and the teacher will love this one-of-a-kind flower bouquet.

Home-Made Cake

Actually, you can make a cake, pie, or whatever your family loves. Take it in an aluminum pan and cover it with decorative paper or beautiful cloth. You can also tell other parents to join you and deliver different meals on the last day of school.

Hand-Made Paintings and Little Gifts

When choosing the gift, you should know that hand-made cards, gifts, beautifully written letters will be greatly treasured because they will remind of particular child, particular moment in time. Most teachers spend all their life at this job, so they accumulate tons of gifts, but something that sparks personal memories is the most valuable of all.

You don’t have to spend a lot of money on store bought gifts, you can make something yourself, or rather have the children make it themselves. Their rich imagination will make every present more interesting, cute and valuable to the teacher.



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