Redback Spiders – Important Questions Answered


After we reported the recent sighting of a redback spider on Emaar Boulevard in Downtown Dubai, we noticed a disturbing trend among our readers. It turned out that not many people are familiar with this spider species or their reputation of a dangerous animal. That is why we decided to make a little research and answer some of the top questions on redback spiders.

What exactly is a redback spider?

Red Back SpiderThe redback spider is a type of the so-called widow spiders. The famous Black Widow comes from the same species family. However, redbacks are known to be even more poisonous than Black Widows. Also, they have a black body which is characterized with an orange to red stripe that can be seen on the upper side of the spider. In some cases the stripe can be broken or even to appear like tiny red dots. Female redbacks are bigger than males and their body can reach nearly one cantimetre. In contrast, males are only 3 – 4 mm long. The redback spider’s preys are usually insects like trapdoor spiders or crickets. Nevertheless, they also feed on small lizards. The webs of these spiders are not hard to recognize. They are really messy and they have a number of egg sacks which look like small balls. These balls are creamy in colour and their size is about 1 cm or bigger. These creatures have a thing for hiding. Therefore, you are more likely to see a redback spider’s web before the spider itself.

Where does it come from?

The origin of redback spiders is somewhat mysterious. It was first spotted in 19th-century South Australia. Even though their main area of distribution is Australia, the spider has reached the territories of other continents, including Europe and Asia. The very first sightings of redbacks in Dubai date to 1990. It is not quite clear how the creature managed to spread across the globe, but it is suggested that human activities have a lot to do with that. In addition, redback spiders can usually be seen near human and urban residences.

How poisonous is it? Does it bite humans and when?

Australia is known as the land of the most dangerous animal species in the world. The fact that redback spiders are classified as one of the most dangerous creatures on this continent is a clear indication that they are a threat to humans. Although there are many cases of redback spider bites in Australia, no Dubai residents have reported being bitten by it. What you should know about these creatures is that they do bite humans. However, their nature is not aggressive and they will attack only if you disturb them. Records show that cases of bites in humans mainly occur when a spider was hidden in the victim’s shoes or clothes. That means that you should keep at distance when you see a redback spider, as well as to check your clothes and shoes before you put them on.

Are there death cases of humans bitten by a redback spider?

Even though these spiders are quite poisonous, their bite rarely leads to death. As a matter of fact, deaths from redback spiders in Australia are less than 20 in number. Nevertheless, if untreated, a redback spider’s bite can be lethal, especially for children, elderly people and those who suffer from serious medical conditions.

What are the symptoms of redback spider bite?

A redback’s bite is usually really painful from the start and it has a tendency to increase and reach extreme levels. However, there are cases in which the pain comes after an hour. The bite leads to severe swelling. Among the other common symptoms of bites from redback spiders include vomiting, sweating, nausea, muscle spasms, abdominal or generalized pain, weakness, fever, palpitations, chest pain and restlessness.

What to do if you get bitten?

You should remember not to bondage or compress the bite. That will only make the venom travel faster in your blood and spread in your entire system. It is better if you apply only ice water on the bite site and take some painkillers. It is advisable to seek hospital treatment if you get bitten by a redback spider, especially if you feel that the pain is getting more severe. The treatment itself includes analgetics, as well as redback antivenom.


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