Is Weight Loss Surgery for You?


Weight loss surgery’s popularity is growing due to the fact it is the only treatment for severe obesity. Right now, more than 60 million Americans are considered obese, and for some of them where diets and physical exercises have failed, weight loss surgery can be lifesaving.

More than 300,000 deaths a year are estimated to be caused by obesity-related health problems which shows that losing weight is not only a cosmetic need, but it’s essential for keeping your life. Obesity and morbid obesity (when BMI is more than 40) in particular, increase the risk of death by 12 times, according to a study from 1980. A more recent report from September, 2012 says that by 2030, half of American adults will be obese. The study by the Trust for America’s Health and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation reported that 35.7% of adults and 16.9% of children are obese, and by 2030 in every state this rate will reach at least 44%. This means America has to do something in order to keep its population not only slim or healthy, but also alive.

Many overweight and obese people try to lose pounds by getting a regular exercise and sticking to a diet plan. These, however, are not always successful, especially when the BMI is more than 35-40. Then, the only way to lose weight and improve weight-related health issues such as diabetes, heart conditions, sleep apnea, high blood pressure or severe arthritis, is the bariatric weigh loss surgery, or simply called weight loss surgery. There are several methods for surgical removing of weight – adjustable lap band, gastric bypass, biliopancreatic diversion and vertical sleeve gastronomy. None of them is right, or perfect, since they all have the same side effects, mainly due to the human psychology.

Basically, these are the criteria that decide if you are candidate for weight loss surgery:

If you are 100 pounds over your ideal weight, or have BMI of 40 and greater.
If your BMI is over 35 and you suffer different obesity-related health problems.
If you have tried dieting under medical supervision, but haven’t achieved the desired results.
If you are ready to change your whole life, and commit to a healthier lifestyle after the surgery.
If you realize well the benefits as well as the risks and side effects of bariatric weight loss surgery.

You should also know that keeping your weight off after the procedure is not easy. You will have to eat healthy food, take vitamins and most of all, to begin to exercise in order to maintain the weight loss in long term. Most of bariatric surgeries are performed with non-invasive technique called laparoscopy which allows faster recovery and less postoperative discomfort. But even with this method, there are certain risks – post operational complications, infections, hernia, gallstones. Often the patients have excess skin which requires a second surgery to remove it (body contouring).


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