Cyber-threats set to become number one business risk


Kaspersky ONE
Cyber-threats are predicted to be to be the number one risk to businesses within the next two years, according to the latest survey from B2B International in conjunction with Kaspersky Lab. The survey, involving over 3,300 IT specialists in 22 countries worldwide, found that cyber-threats were viewed as second only to economic uncertainty in terms of current business risk with the gap quickly closing.

Cyberthreats and economic uncertainty are perceived as important future business risks in the GCC. Other increasing IT security risks for organizations, identified for the coming 2 years, and considered amongst the top three concerns of organizations surveyed included; the theft of intellectual property 17%, fraud 15% and industrial espionage 19%.

Although such threats existed long before malware emerged, data theft, fraud and industrial spying are all now typically conducted through cyber-attacks. The picture painted is of an environment under siege, with almoust one third of businesses in GCC that feel like they are being targeted specifically by cyber-attacks.

For companies, effective protection from current levels of cybercrime means implementing unified security policies across the organization, as well as building a comprehensive system for the entire IT infrastructure.

Kaspersky Lab can provide this level of cyber-security through a range of effective business solutions to ensure the security of important network nodes (file and mail servers) and workstations running under Windows, Linux or MacOSX. Protecting data on smartphones connected to corporate networks is also critical and is accomplished by Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Smartphone. Managing the entire IT security infrastructure is handled through a single console provided by Kaspersky Security Center.

The effectiveness of Kaspersky Lab’s solutions in combating cybercrime is widely known. To learn more about our clients’ success stories, visit Kaspersky Lab International Ltd.‘s website.


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