2013 Small Business Social Media Trends


Businesses of all sizes have no choices, but to look forward at the latest trends of 2013 due to the ever-changing viral world. As a matter of fact things change so fast that you need to know now what tomorrow’s marketplace will bring you.

At present, there are few small business trends which will surely continue to affect the market via the widespread social media.

Here is a conceptual framework and that will help you gain a better understanding and will propose some proper actions toward trend.

Branded entertainment will overtake traditional, disruptive advertising

The disruptive advertising which is commonly seen today will be replaced by brand effective advertising that will serve as entertainment, e.g. Dubai’s telco du TV show “The Entrepreneur”. Disrupting the content that consumers are looking for with an advertisement is effective. But when it comes to the web, even more effective is embedding the advertisement right into the content consumers do want to see and go search for.

Social search and a shift back to user paid content

Google has intentionally given away its content free of charge and not only the one that it owns, but plenty of publisher’s work too. This kicked many content producers out of business. Yet, this model won’t be prolonged. A shift-back to the paid model in various content categories is one of the trends expected for 2013. Expect to pay a dime for our content soon…

Video in 2013 as important as Websites in 2012

It is impossible to think about a successful business on the market today without a website support. Next year the trend says that same will apply to video as a key indicator for your business. It is certain that it will be just as hard to compete without an online video presence on next year’s market.

Social E-commerce

There is a growing opportunity for e-commerce sites to capitalize on embedding social to drive purchases.

Customer Relationships first, then Social Channel

Your business will be exposed to risk if keep building follower numbers and not relationships. Investing in specific channels and counting the number of your ‘Likes’ won’t help you much in 2013. Build a relationship with your customers or you money will be on the rocks. You would make better profits from a handful of FB followers among your friends, than from tens of thousands purchased Facebook followers.

Social Media after Facebook

The dam which was stopping social sharing between social channels will break loose during the next year. In short – the thing that prevented surfing to any website or sending email to any other email will disappear. No laws can cage the minds and abilities of millions of people!

A boom in Social Gamification

Gamification is the use of game mechanics and game design techniques in non-game content. Yet it is the missing piece to engage your customers. It is widely used by marketers and website product managers as a tool for customer engagement. This tool is readily applicable to increasing engagement on sites built on social network services. Gamification is the future for small business social media.

*By New Media Group – the most powerful independent content marketer and social media services provider in Dubai and the wider region. The firm publishes www.dubaichronicle.com, www.bride-wedding.info and it is preparing the launch of www.abudhabichronicle.com. For inquiries, please write to Info@newmediagroup.biz.


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