Free mammograms in Abu Dhabi from 19th to 21st October 2011


In support of international Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Lifeline Hospital Group in partnership with Abu Dhabi Tourism Authority will provide free mammograms and training on self-examination to women at free of cost from 19th October 2011 – 21st October 2011. The service is part of an ongoing campaign for the last 4 years to promote cancer prevention by educating about breast cancer and the importance of mammograms for women over 40. Since the introduction of Lifeline Mobile Mammography Unit, we have been able to screen over 1000 patients successfully.

“Mammograms are the most important tool for early detection of breast cancer, Lifeline Hospital Group and Abu Dhabi Tourisim Authority committed to provide this potentially life-saving screening at no cost.” said Dr. Shamsheer VP, Managing Director, Lifeline Hospital Group.

“One in eight women will develop invasive breast cancer in her lifetime. A mammogram is the best method of detecting breast cancer at an early stage and improving rates of survival of women aged 40” said Dr. Shajir Gaffar, Corporate Manager, Lifeline Hospital Group

In collaboration with the Abu Dhabi Tourisim Authority, Lifeline Hospital Group will be providing free Mammograms at following locations:

  • 19th October 2011

Al Wahda Mall between 04:00PM – 10:00PM

  • 20th&21stOctober2011

Marina Mall, Abu Dhabi between 04:00PM – 10:00PM

Women aged 40 and above are welcome to get free breast cancer screening at the above said venues.


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