Playing Shakespeare with Deutsche Bank


Students from Abu Dhabi and Dubai will receive tickets to a production of Macbeth specially-commissioned for young people when Globe Education at Shakespeare’s Globe visits the Middle East in March.

The school and university students will see the production when Globe Education’s Playing Shakespeare with Deutsche Bank project travels to the UAE following its two-week run at Shakespeare’s Globe. This will be the first time that Globe Education has visited the region to present an education project to young people.

The production will visit the Abu Dhabi Theatre from 20 – 23 March as part of the Abu Dhabi Festival, before moving on to Dubai for performances on 27 and 28 March at the Madinat Theatre.

Playing Shakespeare with Deutsche Bank is Globe Education’s flagship programme for schools. It has been generously supported by Deutsche Bank since its inception in 2007, and has so far provided free tickets to a Shakespeare play to more than 50,000 students.

As in the UK, many of the students attending performances of Macbeth in the UAE will also receive workshops on the play, and online learning resources will be available on the Playing Shakespeare website to support the teaching of Shakespeare in schools.

One teacher who took her class of 14 year old students to see the production in London last year commented, “The incredible energy and physicality of the production was wonderful to behold and provided an amazingly engaging first encounter with Shakespeare for my students. They absolutely loved it.”

One of the pupils who attended the show described how the experience had influenced him: “The play had a huge and positive impact on me, one that will make me take more of an interest in Shakespeare.”


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